Katana riddim g minor key
Katana riddim g minor key

katana riddim g minor key

  • Place your 4th finger on the 2nd string/10th fretĪgain, if you've been practicing your skills with barre chords (proper wrist placement, pushing up with the thumb, etc.), none of these voicings should pose much difficulty.
  • Place your 3rd finger on the 3rd string/10th fret.
  • Place your 2nd finger on the 4th string/10th fret.
  • Use your 1st finger to bar the strings at the 8th fret.
  • Lest we forget, there's also the "A-shape" version you can find on the 8th fret: The fun with F Major barre chords doesn't end there, mind you.
  • Place your 3rd finger on the 4th string/3rd fret.
  • Use your 1st finger to cover strings 1 and 2 at the 1st fret.
  • If you've not mastered your technique for playing barre chords, there's a "half measure" you can use that's also on the 1st fret and easier to play:

    katana riddim g minor key

    No difficulties here, unless you haven't quite honed your technique for playing barre chords. This should look familiar to all of you barre chord masters out there it's just your run of the mill, "E-shape" barre chord moved up to match the notes in F Major.

  • Place your 4th finger on the 4th string/3rd fret.
  • Place your 3rd finger on the 5th string/3rd fret.
  • Place your 2nd finger on the 3rd string/2nd fret.
  • Use your 1st finger to bar the strings at the 1st fret.
  • Since we mentioned it upfront, let's start with that F Major barre chord that most guitarists know and love: Those other voicings can pose a bit of a challenge, however, so today we're going to walk you through some of the many ways you can play F Major with style. Thinking that the only way you can play the F Major chord (F, A, C) on your guitar is as a barre chord? While it's true that the barre-version of F Major is one of the most popular, it's only one of several voicings you can employ, and learning a few of the others will help vary your playing and help augment your sound in a way that will get people to notice.

    Katana riddim g minor key